How to find industry terms your customers are using to find products on your website

Every industry uses jargon to describe particular types of products or services and it is these niche or specific keywords which change from day to day, week to week and year to year. What an industry term might be referred to today may not be called the same next year. So how do you keep up with your ‘industry jargon’ or ‘niche keywords’ to ensure your prospects and customers keep finding your products or business on the web and to also maintain a healthy position on SERP’s?

Using Google Analytics you can view the Keywords report and then view whats called ‘Long Tail Keywords’. These are the keywords which appear right at the bottom of your list. These are the words which you probably failed to even scroll down to or even look at because they pull in so little traffic and completely ignored in your monthly reports. Well let me tell you that these are the keywords or phrases which have the ultimate pulling power, contain hidden gems and are very specific to your products and services and will change how you implement your current SEO programme.

1) Pull up your keywords report:

2)  Change the ‘show rows’ from 10 to 100 or even 250 if you have that many:

Now, your top 20 or 25 keywords are probably brand or company related keywords will be variants of your company name, brand names or product names. These are top keywords which are already performing well for your website.

3) Scroll to the bottom and you will start to see very interesting keywords or phrases related to your products or business. You may think at this point that traffic levels from these phrases are very low so why should I care? Correct but these are the keywords and phrases which your industry are using to try and find you and your products. Remember, peoples search behaviour has changed. People search for products and if they can’t find what they are looking for in the first or second pages of Google they will refine their search with more keywords or phrases.

What the bottom half of your keywords report will tell you:
  • Specific keywords related to your product (e.g. product codes, abbreviations)
  • Specific keywords related to your industry (e.g. where your product can be used)
  • Industry jargon used to describe you product (e.g technical references)
  • Useful keywords to migrate into your coding or web copy
  • Keywords to use for PPC (e.g. gain new keywords for customer acquisition strategy)

The bottom half of the table is where you will find useful information and where you should put your efforts in when optimising your site so that you appear on more SERP’s. Your top 10 keywords will continue to pull traffic through to the site but it is the more niche/specific/industry terms which you should work on and build upon to ensure you are found and constantly appear on more search engine pages under more and more specific keywords.

After a few months measure the increase in traffic from these specific terms or phrases and also measure the quality of the traffic. Did it lead to an increase in conversions? Are these visitors spending longer on my site? Are the bounce rates lower than my top 10 keywords? Remember to segment your data appropriately to get further insight into the behaviour of your visitors.

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