Category Archives: Social Media

5 things I look at before following someone on Twitter

This is a post for those who have just joined Twitter. I remember when I first joined Twitter back in 2009 and started following hundreds of other Twitter accounts in the space of a few days.

It can get overwhelming and kind of addictive. A few months pass and you realise that your timeline is full of junk, irrelevant stuff.

You could unfollow or you could do what I do.

I don’t know about others but as my following count has grown I have become more and more selective of who I follow and why.

Please note, this whole ‘follow back policy’ is a load of Danny Shittu so please ignore at all times. Do not follow someone back just because they follow you.

Being selective isn’t a bad thing, it’s a good thing – it keeps your feed consistent, relevant and fun.

Very important. No noise.

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3 charts to explain why Klout scores do not matter

I’m not a big fan of Klout and it’s way of scoring of influence and engagement and velocity and impact and the number of people who want to get into your pants. Having said that, it’s easy for social media beginners to become entangled into a world where Klout means everything just because it becomes just a numbers game. High count of followers, more likes, more connections blah blah! Continue reading

Does the HR industry get Digital Marketing?

Over the last few months I have been paying close attention, with genuine interest too, in new job creations and recruitment within the digital marketing sector. I will, one day, be required to recruit so no harm in paying attention and getting clued up.

Not a day goes by where someone somewhere will tweet of a glamorous looking or sounding job at a high profile company….but when you dig deeper….the more I start to worry about what is on offer, what is required from the individual and the disconnect between the job role and the businesses understanding of digital. Continue reading

Which is worse? A complaint via E-Mail or complaint via Twitter?

I asked this question on Twitter last night and it was a question to which I received some great responses to. In my opinion Twitter is much worse as the complaint is there for all to see and seems as though Twitter will have a much bigger impact on a company/brand than a complaint received via e-mail. An incoming complaint via e-mail can be kept within the four walls of a business where as a single Tweet published on Twitter is there for many to see and also exposes businesses weak points and lack of transparency. Continue reading

How businesses can use Twitalyzer to measure social media performance

Tweet: How to measure social media success
Tweet: 732 free tools to measure social media
Tweet: How to measure social media success
Tweet: 101 free tools to help your understand social media
Tweet: 11 ways to increase success on Twitter

Does the above sound or look familiar? Is your timeline full of tweets like this?
There are hundreds of free tools out there being tweeted all day, everyday. Tools which allow you to monitor your social media activities but there is no one tool as good as Twitalyzer. It really is ‘serious analytics for the social media expert’. Ok, firstly I am no expert but I do love analytics and social media. Continue reading

Hootsuite’s New Advanced Link Tagging Tool

Hootsuite have just rolled out a whole host of features to their Twitter client and some of which have been blogged about already. But one feature, probably the best feature, has not yet been discovered.

Hootsuite now enables you to add UTM parameters to your links within Hootsuite itself. No longer is an external tool required such as Google’s UTM Link Builder. You can do it all now within one client! Continue reading